Saturday, March 21, 2009

"What? More gambling!"

Amidst all the boring, trivial news in the Times about our sinking economy and the skullduggery on Wall Street (“I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”), there were two pieces of real import which I call to your collective attention. In one, it was reported that my brother Stephen’s good friend, filmmaker George Kalman, is, along with the ACLU, challenging Pennsylvania’s right to reject the name he chose for a new corporation: “I Choose Hell Productions, LLC,” on the ground that it violates an old Pennsylvania statute that prohibits “blasphemy” in corporate names. (As George explained, the name expressed his existentialism, i.e., “even if life was often hellish, it was better than suicide”). And two, on a sadder note, Lionel Ziprin died. All I can say is: read the obit.

Copyright @ 2009 Anthony F. Cottone.

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